• Orchid Attends COA Conference in China

    Orchid has a strong presence in the United States and Europe during the first half of the year when it comes to trade show appearances, in November, however, it’s our opportunity to showcase in the Asia market. This is Orchid’s eighth year exhibiting at the Chinese Orthopaedic Association (COA).

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  • Designing Complexity Simply While complexities and challenges are introduced into the market, OEMs are turning to their contract manufacturers for guidance on improving their orthopedic device designs. This article explores how new technologies and techniques allow orthopedic device developers to more effectively create advanced products. Charlie Wing, Director of... Read More
  • Andy - Double Knee Replacement - The Impact of Orthopedic Surgery Andy, Sr. Manager, Global HRIS, Data & Reporting at Orchid, had a double knee replacement in January of this year. He played a variety of sports, and over time, it took a toll on his body, impacting his ability to walk and enjoy those activities. Watch his story to see what his life is like after surgery and how his knee replacements gave... Read More
  • Key Notes and Takeaways from OMTEC 2019: An overview of the annual orthopedic conference

    Randy Herron, Planner/Scheduler and Buyer, Orchid Supply +, from Orchid talks about his experience attending OMTEC for the first time.  

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  • Face Value: An Overview of Surface Modification and Coatings Orthopedic and spinal device surface treatments are necessary for a variety of functional and aesthetic improvements, including to promote bone ingrowth or ongrowth for better attachment after implantation. Parimal Bapat, Ph.D., Lead Product Innovation Engineer, Coating, is quoted. To learn more about what surface treatments and the role... Read More
  • Trends in the Orthopedic Industry: An Overview of the AAOS 2019 Annual Meeting

    Orchid attended the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) annual meeting and gives an overview of the latest orthopedic trends in 2019.

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  • 7 Steps Toward a Successful Orthopedic Product Launch In today’s ever changing industry, it’s important that we implement innovative, fast, and cost-effective designs and solutions. One of our senior product development engineers walks through seven steps to take to help toward a successful product launch. Read the article published by Orthopedic Design and Technology:... Read More
  • Light Processing: Lasers Offer Advantages to Orthopedic Technology Manufacturers Lasers have been used for machining and other orthopedic applications for some time, but new capabilities now enable even greater benefits. Adam Hebert, Manufacturing Engineer at our facility in Bridgeport, Michigan talks about some of the challenges of laser machining and some of the new technologies to make this process a little... Read More
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